What to Do If You Have Whiplash From a Car Accident
Whiplash is a very common auto injury and occurs when the neck is jerked forcefully back and forth or up and down in a car accident. This rapid movement can damage the vertebrae, discs, nerves, muscles and other delicate structures of the neck. At Tustin Family Chiropractic, our chiropractors Dr. Charina Holmes and Dr. Monica Mir are highly skilled and experienced at recognizing and evaluating the symptoms of whiplash in Tustin, CA. They can design a personalized chiropractic care plan that will offer drug-free neck pain relief and restore range of motion.
Recognizing the Symptoms of Whiplash
Some people don’t experience any whiplash symptoms, but symptoms can also show up days or weeks after your car accident. When you visit our chiropractors right away, they can screen you for common auto injury symptoms and recommend diagnostic imaging to rule out injury. The most common symptoms of whiplash are:
- Neck pain.
- Difficulty moving the head or neck up and down or back and forth.
- Increase in pain when moving the head or neck.
- Headaches or migraines.
- Neck, shoulder, or upper back tenderness.
- Numbness or tingling in the arm or hand.
- Muscle spasms or weakness.
- Vision issues.
- Dizziness or cervical vertigo.
Visiting a Chiropractor for Whiplash Treatment
The sooner you visit our chiropractors for whiplash treatment the better. Our team will assess the severity of your symptoms and diagnose which grade of whiplash you have. We will then design a personalized chiropractic care plan that offers neck pain relief, restores range of motion in the neck, and accelerates healing. We may recommend combining several chiropractic therapies for optimal results:
- Chiropractic adjustments
- Cervical adjustments
- Massage therapy
- Therapeutic exercises and stretches
- Lifestyle modification
- Workplace modification
Avoiding Whiplash Complications
If you delay whiplash treatment, you risk complications. Your whiplash symptoms may become worse and prevent you from working, exercising, sleeping, or taking part in activities you enjoy. The most common risks of not getting whiplash treatment are:
- Chronic or recurring neck pain.
- Permanent loss of range of motion in your neck.
- Chronic neck stiffness.
- Chronic or recurring headaches.
- Dizziness, disorientation, and balance issues.
- Ringing in your ears.
- Migraines.
- Sleep problems.
- Depression and anxiety.
Get Chiropractic Care for Whiplash in Tustin, CA
Don’t ignore the symptoms of whiplash after being in a car accident in Tustin, CA. Visit us at Tustin Family Chiropractic and Dr. Holmes, Dr. Mir, and our team will screen you for common auto injuries and provide same-day chiropractic care. Our goal is to help you heal quickly and get back to your normal routine, free from neck pain and other whiplash symptoms. Reach out today to schedule an appointment.
Posted In:
Auto Injury